If my facility/provider is in an audit, what information should I gather to present?

  • MU-EH-Stage 1-Audits
  • MU-EH-Stage 2-Audits
  • MU-EP-Stage 1-Audits
  • MU-EP-Stage 2-Audits

To ensure you are prepared for an audit, save the electronic or paper documentation that supports all of your attestation (including any exclusions). This includes the values you have entered in the Attestation Module. Hospitals should also maintain documentation that supports their payment calculations. If based on an audit, a provider or hospital is found to not be eligible for an EHR incentive payment and has not met attestation, the payment will be recouped.  Initial audit review will be conducted by the auditor at their location. Additional information may be required or needed during or after the initial review process and in some cases, an onsite review at the provider’s location could follow. A demonstration of the EHR system could be requested during the onsite-review.
Any provider or hospital that finds themselves in an audit of their EHR incentive payment, should retain the information found here.

Below are the links to the Evident Audit documentation: 

Meaningful Use Audit Stage 1 - 2014 Eligible Hospitals

Meaningful Use Audit Stage 2 - 2014 Eligible Hospitals

Meaningful Use Audit Stage 1 - 2014 Eligible Professionals

Meaningful Use Audit Stage 2 - 2014 Eligible Professionals

Here is also the link to the Frequently Asked Questions regarding Auditing by CMS.