
What version of the Thrive software will be ICD-10-compliant?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Business Operations

Version 1919 will be required to meet ICD-10 compliance.

Do you anticipate any pricing changes for your services due to the switch to ICD-10?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-Misc.

No. Unless you obtain a TruBridge Consulting Service contract there will be no costs associated with ICD-10 compliance.

The Problems that are entered via the Problem List do not contain ICD-10 codes. How will that be corrected?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

The physician or employee who enters Problems via the Problem List should ensure that he/she selects a problem that has both an ICD-9 and ICD-10 code present. Accounts that contain Problems that only have an ICD-9 code should be recoded so that they also contain an ICD-10 code.

What do Thrive users need to do for payers who will require ICD-9 codes submitted after Oct. 1, 2015?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

Evident customers should contact each of their payers to determine which ones will continue to require ICD-9 codes after Oct. 1, 2015. This information should be relayed to Evident. To ensure proper billing setup, Evident must be informed of all payers that will continue to accept ICD-9 codes after Oct. 1, 2015.

What version of Thrive is required in order to upload ICD-10s with my encoder interface?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Interfaces

Version 19 is required for the ICD-10 supporting software and encoder development.  However, please note that it is highly recommended that all facilities utilize the current version of Thrive for the latest enhancements and development.  Users should be sure to allow for the potential that a vendor may have additional settings or requirements specific to their encoders.  Evident customers will need to work directly with their vendor to confirm those.

Who is the primary ICD-10 contact at Evident?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Communications

In the event you cannot find the answer to your question on our ICD-10 Information webpage or in the ICD-10 FAQs, Evident Client Services Representatives and Evident Customer Relationship Managers are prepared to answer your question.

Will you be offering any ICD-10 training?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-Training/Testing

Yes. TruBridge Consulting Services offers ICD-10 strategic planning. Please contact your TruBridge Sales Account Manager for further details

How does Evident plan to accommodate ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

New tables were created to store the ICD-10 CM and PCS code sets. Evident is also modifying Thrive to accept ICD-10 codes in all locations that currently accept ICD-9 codes.

Are there any new hardware requirements for ICD-10?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Business Operations


Will changes be made to the hard copy superbill (fee ticket) in Thrive Provider EHR?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

Changes are recommended if ICD-9 diagnosis codes are included on a clinic’s hardcopy superbill (fee ticket). Because one ICD-9 code can “map” to multiple ICD-10 codes, it is not possible for Evident to determine which ICD-10 codes should be present on a clinic’s superbill (fee ticket). NOTE: Clinics that plan to use a superbill (fee ticket) that contains ICD-10 codes should send a finalized copy of the superbill (fee ticket) to Evident’s Thrive Provider EHR department so that it may be programmed.

What version of Thrive is required in order to upload ICD-10s via my Clinic or Emergency Department interface?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Interfaces

Thrive version 1919.19 is required to upload ICD-10s for any interface that is configured using the Interface Management System (IMS). Note: The interface must be reconfigured by Evident Interface Support in order to process inbound ICD-10 codes.

Are you prepared to meet the ICD-10 deadline of Oct. 1, 2015? Where is TruBridge in the transition process?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-Readiness

TruBridge is on track to meet the ICD-10 deadline of Oct. 1, 2015. We are currently working with payers to establish testing partnerships. We plan to test with any payer that is accepting ICD-10 test files, just as we did for the 5010 conversion.

Will the ICD-9 codes be disabled once the ICD-10 codes are in full effect?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

No. In the event that there are payers who will continue to accept ICD-9 codes after Oct. 1, 2015, the ICD-9 codes cannot be disabled.

How will Evident communicate ICD-10 software updates?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes
  • ICD-10-Evident-Communications

Evident will communicate important ICD-10 information through methods such as Release Notes, Transmittal Notes, corporate emails, website updates and webinar presentations.

How can customers extract ICD-10 code information?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

Evident has created a number of reports in Report Writer that will pull ICD-10 codes. These reports are currently available in the Report Dashboard. As additional reports become available, they will be distributed and placed in the Report Dashboard. Evident will inform customers of newly-distributed reports through Transmittal Notes.

Will changes be required for the electronic superbill in Thrive Provider EHR?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

Yes. Evident will be removing the hard-coded diagnosis section as well as the ability to manually add an ICD-9 code to an “other” box. In Thrive Provider EHR, the best practice is to add all diagnosis codes in the Physician Problem List as this is a requirement for Meaningful Use. As long as a diagnosis is added to the Problem List and the addressed date matches the date of service, then it will pull to the electronic superbill. After the provider reviews and posts the entries, they can be viewed in the Transaction Entry screen.

How long will it take to implement the ICD-10-compatible software version?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Business Operations

ICD-10-compatible software is released on software updates and is available after the updates are installed.

Can you verify that you have updated your system to Version 5010 standards for electronic transactions?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-Readiness

Yes. Evident/TruBridge was ready for the 5010 update long before the implementation date.

What is Evident’s contingency plan if the system is not ICD-10 compliant by Oct. 1, 2015?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Miscellaneous

Evident is not developing a contingency plan because we will be ICD-10 compliant by the Oct. 1, 2015 compliance date.

I received a call from one of my third-party vendors stating that they will no longer accept ICD-9 codes after Oct. 1, 2015. But, since Evident plans to include ICD-9 codes with outbound interface messages until Oct. 12, 2015, I’m not sure what I need to do?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Interfaces

Each interface constructed using the Interface Management System (IMS) contains specific configuration for each vendor, so it is possible for configuration to differ between vendors. But, it is important that you contact Evident Interface Support for assistance and review as soon as possible.

Will customers be able to generate Ad Hoc reports that include ICD-10 code information?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

No. New files had to be created to store the ICD-10 codes. At Evident, all new files are created using PostgreSQL® database. Because Ad Hoc reporting only reads COBOL files, it will not be possible to generate Ad Hoc reports for ICD-10 code information.

Are there any security changes for coders who work in the Thrive Provider EHR and Thrive Home Health applications?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

Yes. In order for any individual to code in ICD-10, specific behavior controls must be activated. Please refer to the Information Technology section of Evident’s “Roadmap to ICD-10 Compliance” for detailed information on security set-up. This document is available on the “ICD-10 Information” page of evident.com.

How and when will TruBridge communicate its readiness status for the ICD-10 conversion?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-Communications

TruBridge has a webpage specific to ICD-10 news and documentation which will be updated as additional information is available.

Are there any new software requirements for ICD-10?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Business Operations

Clinical Vocabulary is required for ICD-10. Hospitals and physician clinics that have met Meaningful Use, as well as facilities that are attempting to meet Meaningful Use, already have Clinical Vocabulary. Customers who are not certain if Clinical Vocabulary has been installed at their facility should contact their Evident Sales Account Manager.

My third party clinic vendor uploads diagnosis and procedure codes to Thrive as part of the interface configuration. Their plan is to send both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes indefinitely. Will Thrive continue to accept inbound ICD-9 codes after Oct. 1?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Interfaces

No. Upon reconfiguration of any interface to accept inbound ICD-10 codes, ICD-9 codes will no longer be processed. This is effective Oct. 1, 2015.

Will I require additional hardware to support the software modifications to my organization’s software? If yes, what will be required and what will these upgrades cost?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-System Requirements

No. There will be no additional hardware requirements for the transition to ICD-10. Evident/TruBridge customers will be required to upgrade to Thrive Version 19 in order to meet ICD-10 compliance regulations. We urge you to upgrade to Version 19 as soon as possible.

Does TruBridge have any specific requirements of its customers for ICD-10 compliance?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-System Requirements

Yes. Evident/TruBridge customers must upgrade to Thrive Version 19 in order to test and meet ICD-10 compliance. Please contact Evident’s Distribution Department to schedule your Version 19 upgrade, if you haven’t already.

Do you have a mechanism in place to distribute or publish information about your organizations ICD-10 preparations, project status and conversion plan?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-Communications

Yes. Information will be placed on our ICD-10 Information webpage. Additionally, release-specific information may be made available via email distribution once we’re closer to ICD-10 compliance.

Should coders already be double-coding (coding accounts in both ICD-9 and ICD-10)?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

Yes. All coders should be double-coding accounts at this time. This will familiarize the coder with the ICD-10 code set as well as the updated Grouper screen. It is also an excellent way to evaluate the provider’s documentation. This is important because it will allow facilities to know whether or not they need to complete additional ICD-10 documentation training for their providers.

In order to code in ICD-10, does the software accessed via the “Grouper” button have to be activated in Thrive Provider EHR?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

Yes. It is Evident’s recommendation that all Thrive users use the software accessed via the “Grouper” button.

Who supports ICD-10 at Evident?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Business Operations

In the event that you cannot find the answer to your question on our ICD-10 Information page located within the User Area at www.evident.com, the appropriate Evident Client Services Support Representative should be contacted. Additionally, Evident Customer Relationship Managers are prepared to answer your questions.

What costs are associated with modifying my interfaces for the ICD-10 transition?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Interfaces

Modifications made to any interfaces configured using the Interface Management System (IMS) will be complimentary.

Where can I get answers to my ICD-10 questions for the specific TruBridge product or service solution that I utilize?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-Communications

Start with the ICD-10 Information webpage. If you require additional information, please contact TruBridge Customer Support.

What security needs to be given to coders to allow them to double code?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

Please refer to the Information Technology section of Evident’s “Roadmap to ICD-10 Compliance” for detailed information regarding security setup. This document is available on the “ICD-10 Information” page of the Evident website, evident.com.

What are your plans for testing claims containing ICD-10 codes? How will you involve your clients in that process?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-Training/Testing

TruBridge plans to test with any payer that will accommodate ICD-10 testing. We will engage our customer base to provide “real life” ICD-10 coded data on an as-needed basis. If you are interested in providing ICD-10 data for TruBridge to test with, please contact TruBridge Customer Support.

Will the electronic Radiology Billing Report display both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

No. The report can only display a single code set, either ICD-9 or ICD-10. Customers should contact an Evident Ancillary Support Representative when they are ready to begin pulling ICD-10 codes to the report.

Are there any steps that can be taken to improve provider documentation?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

Yes. Clinical documentation should be modified to capture key coding concepts such as laterality (left vs. right), whether the visit is due to an initial or subsequent encounter for an injury, trimester of pregnancy, weeks of gestation, single or multiple births, details regarding diabetes and related complications, detailed information on fractures, etc.

My HIE receives CCDA documents through an interface but I’m not sure how those will be affected with the ICD-10 transition?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Interfaces

CCDA documents include problems from the Patient Problem list and SNOMED codes. Diagnosis codes from the patient’s grouper are not part of the CCDA and, therefore, will not be affected with the ICD-10 transition.

How will the system handle accounts that were admitted on or prior to Sept. 30, 2015 and discharged on or after Oct. 1, 2015?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

ICD-10 codes are required on claims for discharges on or after Oct. 1, 2015. Accounts discharged on or after that date should be coded in ICD-10. Programming will be in place that will pull ICD-9 codes to claims for patients who were discharged prior to Oct. 1, 2015. Unless Evident and TruBridge are specifically notified of payers that will continue to accept ICD-9 codes after Oct. 1, 2015, all claims discharged on or after Oct. 1 will pull ICD-10 codes.

Will the ICD-10 upgrade require contract modification?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Business Operations

No. ICD-10 is a federal mandate. As such, it is already covered in the contract between Evident/TruBridge and the facility.

Can my organization create test claims with ICD-10 codes to use for our internal testing processes or to send to a third party vendor for testing validation?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-Training/Testing

Yes. Evident will provide a means for our customers to print hardcopy claims containing ICD-10 data and TruBridge provides a means to produce a HIPAA-compliant 837 Institutional or 837 Professional test files, just as we did for the 5010 transition. For instructions on how to create test files, please review the ICD-10 Test File Process document.

Is Evident aware of any services that may help facilities transition to ICD-10?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Training/Testing

Yes. TruBridge offers several services that may benefit health care providers’ transition to ICD-10. These services include ICD-10 Consulting Services, ICD-10 Coding Services and Electronic Billing Services.

Who will be my primary contact at your organization for the ICD-10 transition?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-Communications

Individual organizations will not have a primary contact specific to the ICD-10 transition. TruBridge Customer Support teams are ready for any questions you may have, should you not find the answers to your questions on the ICD-10 Information webpage or in the ICD-10 FAQs.

How should recurring and long-term accounts be handled?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

Effective on Oct. 1, 2015, all recurring and long term accounts should be reviewed to ensure that ICD-10 codes will pull to claims with dates of service after Oct.1. Accounts that have only been coded in ICD-9 will need to be recoded in ICD-10.

What training is available for ICD-10 regarding the Thrive software?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Training/Testing

Updated information can be found on the ICD-10 Information located within the User Area at evident.com. Narrated presentations are also available that will demonstrate new software functionality. Additionally, Evident will offer a series of ICD-10 webinar sessions beginning in July 2015.

Is the software that is accessed via the “Grouper” button required to participate in ICD-10 testing?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

Yes. To participate in ICD-10 payer testing, claims must contain ICD-10 codes. Utilization of the software accessed via the “Grouper” button is required to code accounts in ICD-10.

Can we set up regular check-in meetings to keep progress on track?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-Communications

TruBridge strives to provide as much up-to-date information on our website as possible in effort to keep our customers informed. If you have questions, please contact TruBridge Customer Support.

Can you provide guidance or training on how my clinical documentation will have to change to support ICD-10 coding?
  • ICD-10-TruBridge-Training/Testing

Yes. TruBridge’s Consulting Services can offer any assistance in the best course of action needed to prepare your organization for ICD-10 compliance. For more details regarding TruBridge’s Consulting Services, please contact your TruBridge Sales Account Manager.

Will the ICD-10 upgrade increase support maintenance fees?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Business Operations


Is Evident aware of any services that may help facilities transition to ICD-10?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Miscellaneous

Yes. TruBridge offers several services that may benefit health care providers’ transition to ICD-10. These services include ICD-10 Consulting Services, ICD-10 Coding Services and Electronic Billing Services.

Will the Thrive software be able to accommodate the ICD-9 and ICD-10 code sets in a dual-use strategy? If it will, for how long?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

Yes, Evident will accommodate double coding. There is no established date on when this functionality will be disabled. On Oct. 1, 2015, customers may begin coding solely in ICD-10 for payers who will require the submission of ICD-10 codes.

Are CPT codes affected by the change to ICD-10?
  • ICD-10-Evident-Software Functionality and Processes

No. The use of CPT codes is not affected by the transition to ICD-10.